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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry for not posting anything here but I have been really busy and don't have time to make mods


When I get time I will make PHPBB shop mod but which version of PHPBB shall I make it for?


Heres some features.


Add and subtract money.

Add in pics of the item

It will give the person who buys it auto with out the admin doing it(for certain items like change name, color name etc)

Mods for the store to watch over it and add items.




How about making it for 2.0.21? The shop mod could go with the bank and point mods. And most of the bank and point mods are for 2.0.21. Also, if anyone is finding a mod that could change the version of your phpbb forum, pelase PM and i will give you the codes. I will charge 500 helions though.

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