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Could someone write me up something real quick to where it makes it look like I have more guests on than I really do. Also It shows members on that isnt. This would be on IF,


I personnaly have no ideah what you are talking about, but I assume you have a forum and...


1. You want it to show more guest on or in your forum than there is and

2. It is showing memeber names that are logged in your forum but arn't


I don't think you can force a number in the guest section and as far as it showing guest online but arn't sounds like a script issue....


I would reinstall the forum and use the same mysql database for the oldone, but back up your database first.

  • 3 weeks later...

....or you could just find the area in which the guests and members online names are and add

print "<a href="www.example.com/forum.php?id=memberid>Member Name</a>";

or whatever


well, IF doesnt allow you to use php I believe. If they do, then you would have to find out what the variable of the guest number and set it relatively.


I don't think it is possible for IF though.


Instead of altering the software you could trick it into thinking there are more people connected than there are ;)


This is more complex but it doesn't need you to alter the forum software (which would require access to the host).


Simply requesting a page should make it think there is a guest. The problem lies in making it think there are multiple guests.

It's likely that guests are judged to be the same guest if they share an IP or a similar IP address.

So you need to connect from multiple IPs, thats a tad more tricky (unless you are going to bereak the law and I ain't helping you with that). Most forums will detect the IP of a proxy instead of you IP if you go via a proxy, especially if the proxy is stripping the details of who passed it traffic (anonymising proxies do this).


All you need is a big list of proxies and then do the following (in Bash on a Unix like system):

export http_proxy=http://myproxy.test
wget -O - http://www.myforum.com/ > /dev/null


repeat as desired, or you could build a list of proxies and then have a shell script loop through them. Might want to use a random delay.


Technically the forum would still only display the number of guests you have, but you would have generated s lot of extra guests.


Remember guest sessions probably expire so you need to repeat the entire process. But this could be written in a script with a time delay or invoked by a scheduler such as cron.


This kind of requires you to have a Unix style machine, it can probably be replicated on windows somehow. Possibly write an program. Do you know enough about HTTP to know how to send a query?


If you need to find some proxies you could try tor,. Not sure how you can force tor to switch to a new set of proxies though.

You could try setting NewCircuitPeriod and sleeping for that amount of seconds between connections.



I'm wrting this on the fly so it may not be correct


#! /bin/bash
export http_proxy

while true ; do
 # grab a copy of the page
 wget -O - "$site" > /dev/null &
 # now wait a bit
 range=$(( $maxpause - $minpause + 1 ))
 # get a number in that range
 rn=$(( $RANDOM % range ))
 delay=$(( $minpause + $rn ))
 sleep "$delay"


Script will run for ever, Ctrl-C will kill it.

Assumes you have privoxy running on local host 8118.

Assumes tor's timeout is 30 seconds (the defualt) and waits at least that amount of time so the chain changes causing the output IP to change.


Will probably only add about 10 or 20 guests bofre the counter resets itself. If you can make tor use new routes quick lower the pause counts. If you find a way to make tor always use a new route you can make the delays much lower. Script will need altering for less than a second due to ho the random number generator works.


Can't guarantee it will actually work.

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