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have you done any drugs?


why do some artists and musicians feel that they need drugs?


do you think drugs makes you more creative?



personally, i've smoked so much weed in my lifetime that my blood is probably green...i've recently quit and haven't smoked in 6 months, so don't think i'm some druggie...but anyways, i honestly think i was way more creative when i was smoking than i am now...it was easier for me to think creatively while i was high...


It's not just because they are musicians that they do drugs. Yes you may argue that they do it because of the immenser stress the are constantly under, however this is not the case. There are many other people that go through much more stress than them. It is all merely statistics and capability. The rich/famous are able to obtain drugs with ease, as they do not have to worry about the funds to do so. This is why the amount of rich/famous people are a little more likely to do drugs. The only reason it seems as though that so many do is like the example listed below.

EX:(not to scale)

Five do drugs, and when they get caught it goes on national television. Now Now the other five-hundred musicians don't do drugs.

Now to relate it a simple proportion, five-hundred thousand people in America, and when they get caught they just simply get licked up(these cases rarely make the newspaper). Now about fifty million people in America don't do drugs.


You see it is still a one to five ratio.


O, and I don't do drugs. I have witnessed first hand how the more potent ones can mess up peoples life, even those who don't smoke it.

I do however, on an occasion, get the local hobo to buy me some pirates cove rum to mix with my coke. ;)

It's not just because they are musicians that they do drugs. Yes you may argue that they do it because of the immenser stress the are constantly under, however this is not the case. There are many other people that go through much more stress than them. It is all merely statistics and capability. The rich/famous are able to obtain drugs with ease, as they do not have to worry about the funds to do so. This is why the amount of rich/famous people are a little more likely to do drugs. The only reason it seems as though that so many do is like the example listed below.

EX:(not to scale)

Five do drugs, and when they get caught it goes on national television. Now Now the other five-hundred musicians don't do drugs.

Now to relate it a simple proportion, five-hundred thousand people in America, and when they get caught they just simply get licked up(these cases rarely make the newspaper). Now about fifty million people in America don't do drugs.


You see it is still a one to five ratio.


O, and I don't do drugs. I have witnessed first hand how the more potent ones can mess up peoples life, even those who don't smoke it.

I do however, on an occasion, get the local hobo to buy me some pirates cove rum to mix with my coke. ;)


this was totally confusing and didn't answer my question at all joe...i'm not saying only musicians do drugs...i'm asking why the musicians that do drugs feel that they need to...some can't even create songs unless they're high on drugs...check out alice in chains...they can't even perform their own songs well unless they're high...


Thats total B.S. people don't like their songs unless their high. The reason that musicians do drugs is the same reason that everyone else does it. To chase that high that they have become addicted to.


Stephen King started doing drugs (Literally everything) and it didn't affect his books. However, when he quit his books became pretty shoddy, guessing going cold turkey must have really messed him up for a while; so there are a few reasons why people who start for fun are worried about stopping.

so there are a few reasons why people who start for fun are worried about stopping.


i'm going to have to agree with you on this...


Ehh, I don't even consider doing drugs. Basically because of the chance of death. Sure, most people don't die, but what happens if your one that does?


The reason a lot of famous people do it is probally because they can. They have the money and ability to get them. They also seem to think that they have more problems than us normal people so they can use drugs.

Ehh, I don't even consider doing drugs. Basically because of the chance of death. Sure, most people don't die, but what happens if your one that does?


The reason a lot of famous people do it is probally because they can. They have the money and ability to get them. They also seem to think that they have more problems than us normal people so they can use drugs.


you should't consider life then...cuz there's a 100% chance of death...


OMG I hate those type of hypocritical statements. It's like the people who are scared to fly, and scared of sharks. For your info you have a better chance of dying while driving to get a joint, getting bit, or crashing in an airplane.


I know I have a better chance of dieing doing a lot of other things, but those are somewhat neccesities. You have to drive to live nowadays basically. If I don't have to take the risk I wont. I have nothing against people who do drugs, I have friends who do, so long as it doesn't affect those around them.


Things that are usually a risk to your health in moderation. Drugs can be thought of as in a similar way, if used in moderation: They arn't an immediate danger to you or those around you.


It's a choice you can make, it's your life, you choose. I just don't see the point of doing something life threatening like that. People say you have a chance of dieing from tons of other things, yea you do, but what do you think the people who did die from drugs would say?


Well since they were probably high when they did die.........................

Any ways I strongly disagree with the saying don't drink and drive........Get high and fly.


Beer is so much better!

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