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So is there are federal holidays other than Christmas. Also the country was founded largely on the ideas of Thomas Paine, who happened to be an atheist. Also, by no means does god insinuate the Christian god. The statement that we are a Christian nation is just stupid, our nation is based on not being a Christian nation, or any other religious nation.

  • 3 weeks later...

Not all Christains are good people, and not all good people are Christains. I'm not a bad person just because I don't beleive in god. I've known too many people who only bring up their "belifs" when it suits them, their moments-notice situation or gets them attention. But yes, people who actually strictly follow Christain fundamentals can be very good people. THe only thing I dislike about religion is how every group tries to push their beleifs on every other group

  • 2 weeks later...

What does this "Santa Claus" have to do with Christ at all? If anything, he sounds like a nazi!




Its phony BS... It should be celebrated by ALL.

  • 4 weeks later...
What does this "Santa Claus" have to do with Christ at all? If anything, he sounds like a nazi!




Its phony BS... It should be celebrated by ALL.


...In the village of Patara, sometime in the third century, a young man was born...

Anyhow, that's how one story starts, he grows up and spends all his wealth helping the poor, etc.

There's a bunch of different St. Nick stories.


And it pretty much is celebrated by all, in a sense (at least in the United States - national holiday).

And the Nazi part is pretty funny. :lol:


I'm Christian, and don't mind being laughed at for it (*ahem* awsomejoe ;) ); Christians have been persecuted for centuries (and did a little persecution themselves).

I believe in God and I don't care who knows it or how much they call me silly, 'cause I already know I am teh silly! :lol:


People who interpret the Bible literally are dumb. Some of it has been 100% disproved, like the world being made in 7 days.


I do believe in some Christian views but many I do not, especially in this day and age. I hate people who say they are Christians when they themselves do not follow the Bible and make excuses for it.

  • 3 weeks later...

Spot on, everyone.


I'm a Christian myself but I doubt Roman Catholic teachings. Sometimes they're just hypocrites.


What the heck is all the stupid crusades for?


Then again, I believe in God, I just dislike the way certain parties distort the Bible.

People who interpret the Bible literally are dumb. Some of it has been 100% disproved, like the world being made in 7 days.


...or has it been disproved? Dundundun!


(...actually, it hasn't; all scientific theories are pretty much just that: theories. Nobody actually knows. :huh: Besides, this seven days thing might be scientifically true anyway. Consider the Earth being formed. Perhaps it was formed very far away from the sun, way out where days could have been millions of years (our years today), and it got pulled into the sun's gravitational field as it passed. What if this process occurred over several million or billion CURRENT years - which is feasible - but since as the Earth gets closer to the sun the days get shorter... Ruh roh! The Earth just perfectly legitimately got formed in seven days in a scientific sense! :lol: )


And please keep in mind that when you look at science at a point in time, as time goes to infinity (a little extreme? Well, yes, but it's just a point), the probability of the total correctness of a given theory of the science at that time appears to go to a value significantly less than 1.


...And I agree that sometimes the Bible sounds silly, but could you define "dumb?" Given the number of people who try to interpret the Bible, I'm quite sure not all of them are dumb (myself excluded, of course :( ).

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