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so everything was going fine with putting pages up on my heliohost account got my perl problem sorted out and was testing some scripts before attempting to integrate them with my web pages when suddenly i was denied access to my cpanel when i tried to sign in...?


i was presented with an error message that was like this...


Sorry for the inconvience!

The filesystem mounted at / on this server is running out of disk space. cPanel operation has been temporarily suspended to prevent something bad from happening. Please ask your system admin to remove any files not in use on that partition.


so who do i contact, what is the address and how did that happen? was it my fault or the servers fault

Is the problem still occuring? What is your account username?


no i just checked that out first thing this morning and i managed to log in again with no problem. strange thing is that even though i couldn' t log in to my cpanel all the pages that i had posted there were still accessible and functioned correctly. weird. Ill Keep you posted if it happens again though.


well it would seem like the problem has persisted after all. i was able to log into my cpanel but as soon as i clicked on file manager i was then blocked from going any further by the server it would seem and was greeted by the same error message i got last time...


Sorry for the inconvience!

The filesystem mounted at / on this server is running out of disk space. cPanel operation has been temporarily suspended to prevent something bad from happening. Please ask your system admin to remove any files not in use on that partition.


so im back to where i was 2 days ago. any ideas????


oh yeah my user name on the server is mrsleepy.



Bleh, some person keeps uploading a bunch of warez and crap onto his account, and the disk gets full. Let me fix it again...


was fixed yesterday but today i try to upload som e files and then i get blocked form accessing my cpanel. grrr :angry: hopefully this will all be resolved when we switch over to a new server. can someone please sort out the diskspace problem before then please??


It makes me angry as well. Once I access cPanel I see the message above. Do something to this guy.

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