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Should Abortions be allowed?  

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But if you've ever watched a baby thats less than like 3 months old, its still finding out that it HAS arms and hands and stuff. How long does it take for them to find out that they themselves exist? That is what should be the debate.


i remember it was after i could walk, first memory...

holding my aunts hand, walking down a sidewalk, holding a ballon from cucos (i think because we went there alot, later) and then this dog was behind a fence barking at me. It was my first undersatding feeling of coniousness and a dog scared me, [bleeped!]. anyway, i remember that i understood what was happening it isnt like "what is this strange world?" it all seemed normal even though "I" (because it was my memory, not me) had no memory of it before. i think thats because you learn things subcontiously first.


Yes. If a woman doens't want the child, most likely she will mostreat him and turn him into a bad person... Or if she doesn't have conditions to raise him, she would be putting a person in the world to suffer and to increase the poverty. The rape cases I won't even discuss... Why in hell should she carry a baby that she not even enjoyed to do?


I don't know if that's becuz I'm a woman, but I think that she should decide. After all is fer who will spend the 9 months carrying him...

Yes. If a woman doens't want the child, most likely she will mostreat him and turn him into a bad person... Or if she doesn't have conditions to raise him, she would be putting a person in the world to suffer and to increase the poverty. The rape cases I won't even discuss... Why in hell should she carry a baby that she not even enjoyed to do?

Exactly. An abortion can, in some cases, benefit both the mother and the child. So it is only moral that we allow abortions under certain circumstances.

The baby inside the stomach isn't even alive until it comes out of the stomach! How can that be cruel to "kill" a baby inside a stomach?

If u had a baby inside your stomach, it'd b either dead, or very deformed. Most people keep their babies inside their uteruses.


Well, I'm a law kind of person. I like to base stuff off laws. I, for one, don't believe abortion should be legal. I just don't think its moral, and it is quite easily preventable. Rapes are another matter, I'm talking about two people have [bleeped!], and knowing the consequences (they will have a a a baby).


The debate in law between the two sides depends on WHEN or if at all a fetus can be called a human. If a fetus can be called a human, that aborting that fetus is illegal, as it is illegal to end the life of a human being. I believe that once the "fluid" *cough* meets the egg, the egg can now be considered a human. Other disagree, and say that the fetus can be called a human only once a thinking brain is developed, according to the old quote: "I think, therefore I am." Nevertheless, I hold firm in my opinion that, in biological context, a human is developed when it begins to grow, eg the process involving the fluid described above :).

Well, I'm a law kind of person. I like to base stuff off laws. I, for one, don't believe abortion should be legal. I just don't think its moral, and it is quite easily preventable. Rapes are another matter, I'm talking about two people have [bleeped!], and knowing the consequences (they will have a a a baby).


The debate in law between the two sides depends on WHEN or if at all a fetus can be called a human. If a fetus can be called a human, that aborting that fetus is illegal, as it is illegal to end the life of a human being. I believe that once the "fluid" *cough* meets the egg, the egg can now be considered a human. Other disagree, and say that the fetus can be called a human only once a thinking brain is developed, according to the old quote: "I think, therefore I am." Nevertheless, I hold firm in my opinion that, in biological context, a human is developed when it begins to grow, eg the process involving the fluid described above :).

The law has kept order in the United States 4 several hundreds of years, so it is only natural 4 u 2 follow it. But the law isn't always ethical. I mean, if a girl is poor and she is pregnant, the abortion could b good in this case, my brother pointed out. Anyway, I read in Time Magazine today that it is proven that many criminals r born from mothers who couldn't support them because they couldn't get an abortion when they wanted 2. So the children grew up unwanted and became criminals.


btw, the fluid itself isn't what turns the egg into a fetus. It is the sperm within the semen that fertilizes the egg. The semen itself is ineffectual.

How can you exist without having all the body parts and body functions neccesary to live like a human being?

While in the earliest stages of development, the fetus is still largely dependent upon the mother and the mother's womb. Only during the last few months does it become more independent. 4 instance, at the end, the infant still relies on the umbilical cord 2 get nutrients 2 survive.

Sometimes is just better for a mother not having a child...

I expect so. The mother may have HIV/AIDS, which could be transmitted to the infant, or the mother may die from pre-known complications at the time of childbirth, or the mother may not be able to support the child, et cetera.

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