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Should Abortions be allowed?  

6 members have voted

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I believe that it depends on the circumstances. I mean, if a girl is raped, then abortion should be allowed. But if a woman was stupid and had promiscuous [bleeped!] every few hours and got pregnant, then an abortion should not be allowed in that case. There have to be exceptions with almost everything.

also what if the woman will die from giving birth?

or what if they find defects, or insest that will ruin the babys life if it does live?

I guess in that case they should save the woman, because she has already started her life. But the fetus/infant inside her does not know of life yet.


Usually, any possible/potential defects can be detected even before the woman is pregnant. But if there is a defect that is not curable, then an abortion should be allowed, as the child would suffer if it lived.


I'm all for womans choice. If she wants to have the abortion, sure, why not. If not, you shouldnt make her have one. Everyones talking about when a babies heart starts beating and all that crap, but when does it become self aware? a baby isnt even aware that it exists untill a couple months after its born. They dont know they ever existed, end of story.


Plus isnt the whole idea that its murder? I dont think that the pope would be too pissed off if some docters were usin antibiotics to "murder" the bacteria that was givin him w/e he happened to have at the moment.


well murder is against religion and governmenbt so its got us there.

but thats when a fetus is a human. i probably became concious of my life untiol i was about 1 year old, i have no membories, just some short clips before that.

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