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What was the first you game you played?


I think mine was mario brothers, at my friends home.


it's been so long that it's hard to remember...but i think it might have been Q-Bert on Atari...haha, old school...


haha i'm not that old...i just started playing video games at a really young age since my parents owned a video game shop...

Lucky, did you get to get many video games?


yea, i was lucky..i had the chance to play almost every video game out there during my childhood =)

Thats cool, my parents own a restaurant so I get to eat a lot, I can relate. I have just gotten in to computers though, so I have been mainly learning programming.


hey, that's pretty cool...what kind of food do they serve?


and it's good that you got into computers...computers are our future!

they serve hamburgers, hotdogs, and BBQ. It's all made fresh to order, so its the best.


What do they use to make games?


nice...my uncle owns a hotdog shop...everytime i stop by, he hooks me up with some fat chicago style hotdogs and a whole bunch of tasty fries...


haha, what do you mean what do they use to make games? my parents didn't make the games themselves!

No, like what do you have to do to make the beginner games.


i think you'd have better luck gettin an answer if you asked a video game manufacturer

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