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Hi everybody.

I'm developing a website, oriented to products and services for local users. For different reasons I would like to create subdomains for every state of USA. As my own site is still mostly in my mind, to get an idea of what I'm looking for - you can look here West Virginia fsbo homes or here Pennsylvania homes (this is certanly not the best example of webdesign and usability, BUT those guys made EXACTLY what I need from the point of view of subdomains).

So my question is the following: how is it better to configure DNS and web-server to make the same way (I will use linux hosting). Truly speaking I know how to make it working for 3-4 subdomains but if we make 50 different independent subdomains - the maintenance and support will by very dificult.

Thank you in advance.


instead of sub domains, why not just make a folder on the server where your site is hosted for each state, and make your "mini site" for each state in each folder. That way for example on my website, for say like texas, they would go to www.kdoghomefry.com/texas and when they go there it pulls up the mini site for texas. Much easier than making subdomains. Unless you were going to give each state their own domain for example kdoghomefrytexas.com then i would just make separate accounts on the server and have each state have their own "server space" i think having the main site name then a slash then the state name would be better. Any other questions or comments hit me up with an email.

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