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You were suspended for using 54% of the tmp partition. I went ahead and unsuspended your account. What scripts have you been using recently on your site?


This is not your tmp directory but the tmp directory for Stevie. What script have you been using recently, maybe an image script?


Did you do any imaging on your site recently? Like maybe resize an image or something like that? Or use any tools recently on your site?


<p>Crop Tool</p>




<div>$ID = session_id();</div>

<div>$self = $_SERVER[php_SELF];</div>


<div> </div>

<div>if ( $_POST )</div>


<div>$url = trim("$_POST");</div>

<div> </div>

<div>if ( !preg_match("#^http#i", $url) )</div>

<div>{ die("<center>URLs start with http://</center>"); }</div>

<div> </div>

<div>$url = str_replace(" ","%20",$url);</div>

<div> </div>

<div>$blob = file_get_contents("$url");</div>

<div>$image = new imagick();</div>


<div> </div>

<div>$format = strtolower( $image->getimageformat() );</div>

<div>$path = "tmp/$ID.$_SESSION[views].$format";</div>

<div>$_SESSION[path] = $path;</div>

<div> </div>


<div> </div>




<div>?> </div>

<div> </div>

<div><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"></div>



<div><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"></div>

<div><title>Image Click To Crop</title></div>

<div><style type="text/css"> </div>


<div>/* style forms */</div>

<div>input {</div>

<div> background-color: #c6ccd3;</div>

<div> color: #000060;</div>


<div> </div>

<div>select {</div>

<div> background-color: #c6ccd3;</div>

<div> color: #000060;</div>


<div> </div>

<div>textarea {</div>

<div> background-color: #c6ccd3;</div>

<div> color: #000060;</div>


<div> </div>

<div>form {</div>

<div> border: 1px solid #c6ccd3;</div>

<div> padding: 5px;</div>


<div> </div>

<div>/* end forms */</div>




<div><body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000060"></div>

<div><form action="" method="post"></div>

<div><table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="8" border="0"></div>


<div><td align="center"></div>

<div><h1 align="center">Image Click To Crop</h1></div>


<div>url: <input type="text" name="url" size="30" value="">&#160;<input type="submit"></td></div>







<div> </div>

<div> </div>

<div> </div>

<div> </div>

<div> </div>

<div> </div>


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