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[Solved] Lost Password

Tex Killer

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Hey, guys.


I have created an account on Johnny a few days ago, and recently decided to move to Stevie for better up-time and stability. Following the step-by-step tutorial, I have requested my account deletion. I then tried to created a Stevie account using the same domain, but I couldn't (the site was saying the domain was already in use), so I renewed the old account to try and change it's domain before deleting it again. The problem is that now the old account is active, but the password is changed, and I don't know what it is nor can I change it through the Panel: I receive the e-mail with the confirmation code, but the code doesn't work.


Can someone please e-mail me this new password, or better yet, just delete the old account so that I can create the new Stevie one with my domain?


Thank you for your help.

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