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Because of #@@$%&*#@#$ IE9 and before, i was trying to apply Pie to my site. At home on my testing server it works perfectly, but on my site http://www.creationeelwebvouwer.tk/ hosted on Heliohost server Stevie, I cant get it worked.

i've read the documentation of Pie on http://css3pie.com/ , I did what they said in the known issues section, but i couldn't get it to work.

Is it possible to get Pie to work on my site and if so, how?

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I'm not an CSS expert, but after some seaching I came across this page: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13156172/ie9-not-rendering-background-image

Perhaps that is the problem why you don't see the background in IE9.


Keep in mind, supporting IE-browsers can always be tricky.

What could help to support IE-browsers, is to including html5shiv.js.

It can be found in this github repo: https://github.com/aFarkas/html5shiv

This little script will fixes html5 elements in IE.

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The background issue isn't the main issue, the border radius not being displayed is the frustrating part. Isearched the internet for a sollution and on the stackoverflow site i found that http://css3pie.com/ is the solution for that problem. And yes it works, on my own (testing) server at home and on http://www.dagianfranco.nl/ , where I am webmaster.


Pie contains 2 files, a php and a htc file. Although Stevie has php installed, what flawless works with my contact form, it doesn't seem to work with Pie for some reason.

So this isn't a question about code but about the host. Maybe something in the options or maybe i can't do something about it?


On the pie documentation i found this:

Serving the correct Content-Type

IE requires that HTC behaviors are served up with a content-type header of "text/x-component", otherwise it will simply ignore the behavior. Many web servers are preconfigured to serve the correct content-type, but others are not.

If you have problems with the PIE behavior not being applied, check your server configuration and if possible update it to use the correct content-type. For Apache, you can do this in a .htaccess file:

AddType text/x-component .htc


But i dont know if i can do that or how to do that.

The next lines on the pie documentation

If for some reason you are unable to modify the server configuration (e.g. if you are on a shared host which does not allow custom .htaccess files), then you may also use a wrapper script. For instance, PIE includes in its distribution files a PHP script called PIE.php; this script simply serves up the PIE.htc file using the correct content-type header. To use it, simply make sure both PIE.php and PIE.htc are in the same directory, and then in your CSS point the behavior to the PHP file instead:

behavior: url(PIE.php);

Note that this issue is particularly a problem in IE 9, which seems more strict about the content-type than some other IE versions.

didn't do the trick.

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