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[Inactive] Internal Server Error Again And Again Repeatedly On Johnny


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i am seeing this internal server error again and again repeatedly and user experience is very bad :(/&--#62; on my site due to this repetition of internal server error 500. i am not even able to make changes to my site this is very frustrating please solve this issue as soon as possible. this is a repeated problem i can visit my site after frequent short intrvals between errors. This error stays for more then a minute and within that time the site is completely down and this error occurs randomly ,after every five minutes on average. johnny is not even showing 90% of uptime most of the times i see this error....

Cpanel: honeymtr

Domain: qtbee.tk

Server: johnny

i'll be very thankful you please help me on this issue!!

and please tell me how can transfer my website on stievie server, i'd appreciate your quick response on this matter.

thankyou!!!! :rolleyes:/&--#62;


Apologies for bad english........ ;)/&--#62;

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