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[Answered] How Could I Make Sure That My Website Wasn't Hijacked Or Hacked?


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how could I make sure that my website wasn't hijacked or hacked, or ...?


When I try to access to my website by inserting the web address it is showing a blank white page with no source code for a week by now. The server (Johnny) is up, as well as the other subpages seem to work, except the index.html. It does show the favicon, but the web address instead of the title appears on the other hand. When I try to do the same with the website's IP address, it says "heliohost account queued", although I have been using it for 8 months.

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Visiting REMOVED or REMOVED returns a blank page, but visiting REMOVED or REMOVED loads fine. Make sure that index.html is the only file with that name in that directory. Remember, Unix systems are case-sensitive. Also try deleting your .htaccess file.

Edited by byron
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It works now after I changed index.css' name to indexcss.css and index.js' name to indexjs.js. I should have come to this by myself.

Could you remove the web addresses from your post, or delete the thread, so that the search engines won't find these?


Thank you for your support!

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