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[Solved] Queued: Zedrix

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Heliohost Username - zedrix

Server - johnny

Heliohost main domain - zedrix.heliohost.org


Was busy these days and haven't really put up anything on zedrix.heliohost.org. I have nothing to do this week end and was thinking I would write something on it. I tried to login to my cpanel but all the possible password I can think of failed. After checking zedrix.heliohost.org I found out that my account was suspended.


I already reactivate my account by clicking the link in the account suspended page, but still I can't login to my cpanel page nor zedrix.heliohost.org gets updated.


Is there anything I can do to recover my account?

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Your account has been manually unsuspended. If you still see the suspended page then you should try clearing your browsers cache.




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