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[Answered] I Did A Stupid Thing...


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Hello, I have a big problem ...


How can I do, if I accidentally deleted my root folder "ALL" the default and important files ...


Because the wrong ftp command ...


(These days just complete the application domain, uploaded a few test files, I made ​​a mistake)


Can someone help this fool ...?


Thank you!



Server : johnny


Username : chee5301


Main Domain : yjh.heliohost.org


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Just re-create your public_html folder manually. The other folders should re-create themselves. You may or may not loose any emails, I don't remember. If you have issues or would prefer to "reset" your account, our only method to do that currently is to delete your account using http://helihohost.org/home/support/scripts/delete and re-create it.

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Just re-create your public_html folder manually. The other folders should re-create themselves. You may or may not loose any emails, I don't remember. If you have issues or would prefer to "reset" your account, our only method to do that currently is to delete your account using http://helihohost.org/home/support/scripts/delete and re-create it.


Thank you, I have tried to re-create the basic public folder,

but when I set the domain option in cpanel, sometimes throws an error like:


File open for / home/chee5301/etc/yjh.heliohost.org / (some text) failed with error No such file or directory.


So I should use another method to reset my account, thank you for your answer!

(I hope can use the same account name... :o )


ps. "helihohost" should be "heliohost" :)


Thanks again!

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