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[Solved] Unable To Create Thunderbird Account


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I followed the directions as best as I could, but I could not get Thunderbird to work. It keeps failing to connect. This is the information I was provided:



Manual Settings


Mail Server Username: robinsiebler+robinsiebler.heliohost.org

Incoming Mail Server: mail.robinsiebler.heliohost.org

Incoming Mail Server: (SSL) stevie.heliohost.org

Outgoing Mail Server: mail.robinsiebler.heliohost.org (server requires authentication) port 25

Outgoing Mail Server: (SSL) stevie.heliohost.org (server requires authentication) port 465

Supported Incoming Mail Protocols: POP3, POP3S (SSL/TLS), IMAP, IMAPS (SSL/TLS)

Supported Outgoing Mail Protocols: SMTP, SMTPS (SSL/TLS)

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Try this


Email address: robinsiebler@robinsiebler.heliohost.org

Incoming server username: robinsiebler@robinsiebler.heliohost.org

Incoming server: stevie.heliohost.org

Incoming server protocol: IMAPS (SSL)

Incoming server port: 993

Incoming authentication type: Password


Outgoing server username: robinsiebler@robinsiebler.heliohost.org

Outgoing server: stevie.heliohost.org

Outgoing server protocol: SMTPS (SSL)

Outgoing server port: 465

Outgoing authentication type: Password

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Thanks, that worked. Part of the problem was Thunderbird. If I clicked the "Re-test" button, it just said "Probing the server" forever! But when I clicked "Done", it immediately checked the password and was happy. You might mention that in the instructions or even have specific instructions for Thunderbird. It is, after all, a rather popular e-mail program.

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