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So this tutorial is mainly useful for games, like if you're selling something.


This tutorial I wrote myself..Props to me if you distribute it...


Level: Medium


Step 1:


Make a timer, and a textbox on you're form..Make sure it's named Timer1 and the textbox's name is Textbox1. Set your timer's interval to 150, by going to the properties menu, and changing it.


Step 2:


Double click your form...


Step 3:


Scroll to the top of your form's code and add this:


Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vkey As Long) As Integer

Step 4:


Exit out of the code window, and back to your form window...


Step 5:


Double click you're timer, and add this:


If GetAsyncKeyState(vbkeyF1) Then
SendKeys Text1.text
SendKeys "{Enter}"
End If

Step 6:


Exit out of the code window, and try it out by running your program, typing something in the textbox, and pressing F1




I hope I was specific enough, and if you want multiple spammers:


If GetAsyncKeyState(vbkeyF1) Then
SendKeys Text1.text
SendKeys "{Enter}"
End If
If GetAsyncKeyState(vbkeyF2) Then
SendKeys Text2.text
SendKeys "{Enter}"
End If

Add another textbox named Text2, and use F2 to control the second spammer...


I might add more tutorials later

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

hey, i need a bit of help in vb.


i have learned the basics. i want to know how you can put the open and save option in the program i tried loads of things, just cant figure it out

  • 1 month later...

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