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[Answered] Extra User For One Account


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Hello, my brother and I were wondering if we need and/or can have a second cPanel user account to manage the same account (since apparently we can't be logged in at the same time from 2 different points of the world).



I've seen the email and ftp account creation, but nothing for the actual cPanel. is it even possible?


We know that multiple accounts per user is no allowed.





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cPanel doesn't officially support two users for one cPanel account.


Why would you need this, it's not like you both need to be tinkering with cpanel at the same time. FTP is all you need to upload files, so a separate FTP account for each of you and the shared cPanel account would be enough to manage your site. If you care to know who makes what changes in cPanel and when just make a shared log between you two.

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