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[Solved] Unable To Send E-Mail


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Hi I am on johnny, and am currently using Windows Live Mail as my mail client. I set up one of my email address' on this client and am receiving mail with no problem. It is when I attempt to send mail I get and error and it is as follows


The connection to the server has failed.

Subject 'test'

Server: 'mail.srq1.com'

Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0E

Protocol: SMTP

Port: 25

Secure(SSL): No

Socket Error: 10060


Now I did set this account up according to the configure email instructions from the email accounts area in the cPanel, but for the life of me I can not get this working, have tried everything I know to try, I am hoping someone here can help me please.




BTW my domain is srq1.com and I am on the johnny server.

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