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[Solved] Suspended : Dsag


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a. username: dsag

b. server : Jonhie

c. domain: overgoals.com


I can't understand , i didn't do anything from the previous suspended message but I still recieve suspented site page. I try to fix my problems locally i want only the underconstruction page for my site.


Thanks in advance.

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Your account was suspended for causing high MySQL load again.

Stop executing big queries as those but a big load on the server.

I have unsuspended your account, but note that an other suspension could be permanent.


This is the qeury that caused the suspension:


SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS `event`.`n` , `event`.`StdEventDate` , `game`.`n` , `r`.`o` FROM event, game, r WHERE ( ( `event`.`StdEventDate` LIKE 'S') AND ( `r`.`o` = 'S' ) ) ORDER BY `event`.`StdEventDate` ASC LIMIT N

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