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[Inactive] Jsp Spring Framework Problem


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My web project can't run in heliohost at hmusic.helihost.org although I works fine in my localhost.


I don't know what causes the problem and whether tomcat runs.


Can you help me to know how to check/config tomcat (I can't find tomcat in cpanel) and even how to run my web project.


Thanks in advance.


username: haohiep

domain: hmusic.heliohost.org

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My project uses Spring framework. In the root public_html folder, there is a file request.jsp which contains a code line:


<% response.sendRedirect("/index.htm"); %>


this code line will send a request to a servlet name indexController (pattern according to spring framework). In this servlet will process some tasks and respone a view name "index.jsp".



I tried to test a second project


I have uploaded new folder name "test" with a simple servlet (not Spring framework).


I placed a static file "index.jsp" (not using with servlet) --> it works fine. But I tried to use a request to servlet name "main"--> Not found ==> So I think the problem is in servlet.


hmusic.heliohost.org/test/index.jsp --> work

hmusic.heliohost.org/test/main --> not found

(main is servlet's name)





hmusic.heliohost.org/test/main is a directory that does not exist, but hmusic.heliohost.org/test/main.jsp does.



Everything works normally in my localhost.


In this case, hmusic.heliohost.org/test/main is a request to sevlet (JSP servlet can understand that).


So. if I am wrong, let's show me how to access to this serlvet name "main"

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