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[Answered] Migrating Website


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I have managed to do this once however need advice on the steps and details to do with Heliohost nameservers, etc and how to manage them in order to migrate a website to another host. I have paid for a webhost and thank Heliohost for the wonderful free hosting but would like to move the site from here to there.


What are the steps? And what details would I need to get both from Heliohost and the paid webhost?

The website is dynamic and has mysql databases, php files and an installed CMS, so need guidance on moving it without breaking it and not using the import/export method.


Thanks in advance.

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Ok, i can understand your problem, first of all you can make a backup of your complete database from phpmyadmin. Then download the .sql file.


you can use the cpanel file manager to make all the files in your disk to a zip file then download it, to your computer then upload it to your new host.


now you can unzip it in your host, in cpanel file manager.


Next is important, now you need to make a db in your new host, try to make the same name as you did in heliohost , then open the sql file in a text editor and remove some commented lines and just run a query from phpmyadmin.


now your databases are set, now you need to set the username and password for the database access, for that you need to find where the CMS stores them and then change that your new username and password and also the new database name if you changed it.


then change your name servers from heliohost name server to your webhost and wait for 2-3 days, then delete the files in heliohost server, if not all atleast the index to check the dns is correct and most importantly our changed settings.


Dont worry , there will be some errors i did the same thing for my website http://techstream.org ,but i was using my own designed custom CMS for the site, but i had a mybb forum , though i managed to remove all the errors expect one, it was the new database name i forgot to change, for more information or if you have doubts you can use my forum or helionet both are same for me.


any way try to contribute to heliohost in as many way as possible.


Thank you for using heliohost

from Helio Net Community.

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