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[Solved] Suspended: Ucb

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Thank you for unsuspending me, and let me know the MySQL load issue. I'm putting my sites on maintenance for now. I'm working on resolving this issue, while i'm testing my scripts, i'm worry that may causes this issue to happen again. I'm thinking whether there is a short work around for this? If I add cache support on my site HTML script, will it resolve MySQL load issue? Another work around is I've a paid account at Godaddy, if i move only the MySQL part to there, and use their MySQL, and feed the database data to my website here, will it causes a CPU or bandwidth overload on your side, and eventually get my account suspend again? Please provide me some suggestions, as I don't want to be suspended again. Thank you.




Your account was suspended for causing high MySQL load. keep the load down or you'll be suspended for good.


Okay I've unsuspended your account.

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