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[Answered] Redirecting To A Subdomain


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Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this, if so please point me in the right direction.

However, I've looked through the wiki and forums and still can't understand what I need to do. I know a little about DNS, but clearly not enough!


I already have an external domain name and am trying point it to my hosting on heliohost.


The problem is that I can't use nameservers in my external domain name company. Only DNS records.


If I go to subdomain.domain.heliohost.org I can see my website.


So in the redirction service I set up a CNAME record to redirct externalname.other.org to subdomain.domain.heliohost.org


However, all I get if I go to externalname.other.org is a page saying 'Heliohost Account Queued'.


I have cleared the cache several times so I know that is fine.


Do I have to tell HelioHost to expect this externalname to be redirected to it?

(In other hosts I have done this by manually adjusting the virtual hosts file but this isn't available here)

I have tried doing a parked domain, but am told that the external domain name isn't pointing to HelioHost, even though I have it pointing at Johnny using an A record.


Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


(updated with more info)

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After some investigation I think I know where the issue is.

I believe that the correct way to do this is to:

1-point the externaldomain to the Johnny DNS

2-create an addon domain in cpanel

I have tested this on another host and it works.

The problem on Heliohost cpanel is that I get the following message when I try to create an addon domain:

"sorry the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server......" despite the fact I have set up an A record pointing to

Therefore Heliohost cpanel seems to be doing some checks that either don't work or are superfluous.

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