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dear heliohost team


I am making a joomla website.


The link is




Server - Johny

Apache version - 2.2.21

PHP version - 5.3.8


Joomla was uploaded successfully, but i wanted to install some extension from joomla extension directory. While uploading an extension JCE (size - 1.3 MB), i got this error 500 internal server error, but if i install any extension less than 1 MB it gets uploaded and no errors. I really dont know how to solve this error. Any help would be great




Hello, i dont like to make similar thread so i ask here:


i`m hosted on

johnny and i see too many 500 errors (me and my visitors) so it is as i assume because off high load (

11.89 (3 cpus))


Maybe someone doing resource abuse? Check it please.


Hi, I am getting a lot of random 500 errors, too. Am I doing something wrong? The problem isn't coming from my browser's cache since I cleared it.


My account is hosted on stevie. Checking its load, it is only 1.85 (4 cpus). I don't understand where it is coming from. Is it coming from this?


cpanellogd failed


I've noticed that if you're logged into your account in too many ways, the server will throw 500 errors. For example, if you're logged into CPanel and FTP'd in, and try to load your page. The easiest solution I've found is to just use the CPanel file manager utility instead of FTP. This solution isn't ideal, but it does appear to work.


Mod's or djbob, is there anything you can think of that could cause this issue? Would too many open sessions actually cause this, and if so, if there a way to increase the number of allowed sessions?




I did tried clearing cache of both browser and joomla, but it didn't helped, yes the johny server load is high mostly on evenings, but question is why the load is so high, when i am not using ftp..definitely something is wrong...while browsing joomla forum..it told something about troubleshooting php.ini setting and i think we are not allowed to do that.

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