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[Solved] Legacy Ftp Exporting Issue


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I appologize if this issue is already posted, I didn't get a very specific search result.


I am currently using ZenCart & was uploading a new Template theme into the Home directory. According to the tutorial (which I am wholy willing to admit is faulty) I am to download the zip file, export all files, take a file called includes & compress that, upload to cpanel & export that. When I do, it comes up with an error that I need v2.0 to export & all the files are listed as inflating. Is there a newer FTP program that I need to upgrade to?

I thought that perhaps it was the template that could may have been created on an older pc & was not up to date with Windows 7 (my current os) So I downloaded the zip & uploaded without exporting & recompressing. I still recieved the same message. I have even used the regular FTP & not the Legacy manager.

As a last resort I am also contacting the creator of the Template just incase there is nothing wrong with the FTP process & that the files are corrupt or something.


Thanks for any replies.

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