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[Solved] Hosting Signup Not Activated After 36 Hours


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I can't sign in after 36 hours in order to get the server name to provide to co.co setup which expires after 48 hours.

Nothign is in the queue indicating I'm supposed to be active, but name/password won't sign me in to control panel


Also, isn't there a glitch in hosting signup when you get a co.co domain during the signup but only have 48 hours to provide co.co with a domain name. That doesn't allow enough time before domain expires if something goes wrong like in my case


Any ideas? Thanks in advance


Ron (cove3)

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>>>Please post the following information:

  • Your cPanel username
  • Your main domain
  • The server that you are on>>>

1. cove3.heliohost.org/cpanel Going to this http/cove3.heliohost.org/cpanel gives error can't find server.

2. During signup, I was directed to co.cc where I got cove3 and cove3a as domain names. I couldn't do setup because I didn't know the server name to provide

3. I don't know what server I'm on. I can't log into my control panel which I think is where I would find the server name to provide co.cc. I get "can't find screen name" when I try to log in.


I never got any email after 2 days now indicating I'm activiated, although I did get an initial mail saying I was in the queue.

This mail had a link to check the queue; checking it says I'm not in the queue indicating I should be activated.


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