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Does Heliohost Put Ads On Hosted Site

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This was from a few years ago, when HelioHost used a point system called Helions. Users gained/lost points based on the relativity and helpfulnes of their posts. Helions could be used to ugrade their hosting package. As you can see, the Helions program was ended. Those articles haven't been updated.


Actually what how execution time calculated, i have seen this in many of pro hosting companies that max php execution time.

is the time the php script runs or is the time that is required for a client to download a page completely.


I believe it is the time it takes for a script to run. I don't believe there is a limit on client download time, just the amount of connections per client.


So if a client has a slow connection that means the loading will take long, will it not increase the run time of script , if not where does the contents go before the contents reach the client.


Won't that increase the run time of a script or the script will complete its execution and keep thing ready to be transferred in the server.


This was from a few years ago, when HelioHost used a point system called Helions. Users gained/lost points based on the relativity and helpfulnes of their posts. Helions could be used to ugrade their hosting package. As you can see, the Helions program was ended. Those articles haven't been updated.

Why did they close Helions ? It sounds like a good system ...


i think when heliohost got famous the admins could not handle the different hosting packages.


i think when heliohost got famous the admins could not handle the different hosting packages.

Ohhh, I see. So the Helions system was manual not automated ?




What happens with the run time is the client requests the script and the server processes it and the result sits in the servers ram while the client downloads it.


So if a client has a slow connection then the resulting page sits there for a while until its done where a client with a fast connection may only have the page sit there for a few seconds as it downloads.


So the time it takes for the client to get the page is not counted as execution time. The execution time is the time it takes for the server to generate the page for the client.


ok any way if a client has a slow connection then the client will surely need some extra resources right.


I like to time my scripts' execution so i get an idea of whether it's my connection or my script that's being slow.

Also, By limit on execution time, It means the time before the script times out and is killed.


I can't find the heliohost limit, Maybe it doesn't have one?

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