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Was working fine by accessing from Zimbra (similar to Outlook). Am able to access my cPanel, but Zimbra is not synchronizing with your server. It works with my other email accounts, so it's not something on Zimbra's side.


I recently changed the A name to point to a Tumblr site, but have not changed the nameservers. Don't believe this should be the problem though. Any help you can provide will be appreciated.





Did a little more investigating. It seems I am able to send email, but not receive. My domain is ecurrentz.com, and when I change the incoming mail server from mail.ecurrentz.com to stevie.heliohost.org, my email client is able to synch with your server, but still not getting my email. Please help!!




Does zimbra require you to set an mx entry to point to their servers? This is most common for services such as Google Apps. However, if zimbra connects to HelioHost through POP/IMAP, then the A record needs to be changed back to HelioHost.

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