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[SOLVED]Running Python Scripts


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I'am trying to run a Python cgi-script. In the first place I've tried running a bit complex python script, but it did not work properly, in fact the script didn't run at all. So the next step was to write a simple HelloWorld script like this one:


print 'text/plain'


print 'Hello World!'


Just to test if this script could run. But no, it didn't. I got an internal server error. Do I need to install something on the webserver to get the script to run? Any solutions?


BTW: I saved the script in the Cgi-bin folder, and tried to run it by connecting to the adress. Typically www.yourhostname.helios.org/cgi-bin/script.cgi


Thanks in advance! :)

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I couldn't work my python code either, i saved my code with .py and .cgi separetely and tried to place both in public_html and cgi-bin folders. Tried to reach both username.heliohost.org and username.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/script.cgi from my browser (also named index.cgi, index.py etc.) I have used simple samples from some cgi learning sites and the tobiast's example as well with no success at all. And i set permissions to 755 with sudo chmod command properly.


I hope you can help me.


By the way it is my first cgi programming experience at all, and fairly new in python (although i have writting some simple codes for some months in my computer, i have no web experience before) I have used some other languages before but right now my goal is to improve my python and database design.


Thanks in advance Kaan.

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