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[Solved] Suspended:iwede


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for more than 1 had not been able to access helioshost hompage, while my cpanel address on bookmark deleted. But my site still active. Then my account yesterday suspended till right this moment. I have renewed my account via link sent to my email address and I am still able to access cpanel, but it's been 24 hours my site still shows account suspended. If you see my site is active it is because I use my former hosting I activate again around 6 hours ago.


please then reactivate my site again if there is no terms and conditions I break. Thank you.

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I see:


Just another Indonesian cookbook


So your site seems to be working, try to delete you cache again, or try to browse using a proxy or in Private mode.


Hi Tjoene,


Thanks to respond again. I can understand you saw that title. Like I said currently I point my domain to other name server instead of Heliohost ns, to keep my site still alive because I don't know till when my account will still be suspended.


Some minutes ago I checked it out using IP address given by Heliohost, and now my account is queued, just like yesterday afternoon (GMT+7). So perhaps you can see my site using this Ip address instead of my domain, because now I use my former host.



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