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I need to know what to put in those part...


$usePHPMailer = true; // use phpmailer ? (true | false)

$phpmailerHost = "smtp.xxxx.com"; // smtp hostname

$phpmailerUser = "xxxxxx@xxxxxx.heliohost.org"; // smtp username

$phpmailerPass = "xxxxxxxxx"; // smtp password

$phpmailerSMTPSecure = "ssl"; // smtp authentication method ("ssl" | "")

$phpmailerPort = 465; // smtp port - enter number directly - without "" !



I need to find the stuff in red so I can config it in a program that I plan to use...


I don't think you need to use any of those if you just want to send a mail (Like for email validation or password recovery).

Just use the mail function with the required arguments and you should be fine.



$headers = 'From: testing@yourdomain.org';
$subject = "Test";
$message =
<body of the message>';

echo 'Mail sent' ;//Doesn't mean it was received properly
echo 'Error sending the mail';


You can add a 'Reply-To' in your headers so that they respond to an email address which exists (you can create one in your Cpanel'



$headers = 'From: noreply@mydomain.org' . "\r\n" .
   'Reply-To: webmaster@mydomain.org' . "\r\n";

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