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can I point my subdomain to a forum I setup in heliohost?


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I have a website hosted somewhere else, the domain name is managed there, too. Now I have set up a forum here in heliohost(great hosting, by the way), so my question is, can I point a subdomain like forum.mydomain.com to myusername.heliohost.org? if so, how?

Thank you.


oh, and can it show the content of myusername.heliohost.org while still display forum.mydomain.com in url field in browser?

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Why not add forum.mydomain.com as an addon domain on Heliohost? Otherwise, if you really want to keep forum.mydomain.com off of Heliohost, you can configure your domain registrar to do URL forwarding or setup an htaccess file to do 301 redirects/rewrites.

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Go to this folder "forum.mydomain.com" (the folder that the forum is in) and add the code below to it's htaccess file:


RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^forum\.mydomain\.com$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.forum\.mydomain\.com$
RewriteRule ^/?$ "http\:\/\/username\.heliohost\.org\/"


The address bar will still show the heliohost url and I'm not sure if you can change that when going from one domain to another, but I could be wrong.




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I would reccomend klswxa's method. Byron's method simply redirects forum.mydomain.com to username.heliohost.org. If you don't want to add forum.mydomain.com to HelioHost, you can create an HTML file in forum.mydomain.com that uses the <iframe> tag to point to username.heliohost.org. This will display forum.mydomain.com in the address bar.

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