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Hi HelioHost & other Users!




Ok. I've had my WordPress Site for the Past Month now and it is acting a bit weird. :(

For the past week after typing in my Website Address (URL - details below) Multiple Browsers on Multiple Machines display a message like:


The server closed the connection without sending any data.


I have cleared the internet cache on all machines. :unsure:


I CAN log into cPanel from the HelioHost main Website but not from the domain by placing :2082 after it. (Logged in today)



Details for my Site:


* URL: www.skcgoogleapps.co.cc

* By typing in the above URL, cPanel should do a Permanent (301) Re-direct to: www.skcgoogleapps.co.cc/wp/ - the WordPress Directory

--- That re-direct is still present


* cPanel Username: skcgapps

* Server: Stevie


Thanks a lot for your help! HelioHost have the best support I have EVER seen from a Free WebHost! :D :D :D




Hi. Went to the site. Re-dir works, page is loading. What exactly is your problem? Both, Stevie and Johnny seem to have alive of their own - at times. I am experiencing some weird stuff myself.


Hi Guys,


I have realised the problem. (Which I cannot fix :( )



I cannot access any website with the IP address - don't know why as I was able to access it a week.

At this stage I do not know if it is my ISP or Australia (where I live) that is blocking it. I can access (if that helps...)


I am extremelly new to IP addresses and a Google Search doesn't help me. :wacko:


Thanks everyone! :D






Hey 7796840,


When you access do you get page not found or the HelioHost Account Queued page? As far as I am aware that problem only happens to Chinese users.





Thanks everyone for your help.


As there is no issue (yes I can know access the site :lol: ) this topic is solved. (Although there was never really an issue in the first place....)

Sorry to cause all of you trouble!


Thanks everyone (again).




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