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[SOLVED] Page Auto-forwarding


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This only happens in Chrome, when I go to http://subdomain.heliohost.org, it auto forwards me to http://subdomain.heliohost.org/cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi, which is the page it went to when the site was queued for creation.


In Firefox and IE, it acts as it should, showing http://subdomain.heliohost.org/index.html.



I've cleared all Chrome cookies, but still no luck. Any suggestions? It's been over a day since the site has been set up and index.html was created.






I was able to correct this by manually clearing the browser cache.


(In version 13.0.782.109)

Tools >> Options >> Under the Hood >> Clear browsing data... >> Empty the cache


I did it for the past week just to be sure and it worked as it should. The HelioHost Wiki mentions something about the no-cache meta tag, however, the page couldn't even load for that tag to take place. I would think this could be an Apache error (instead of a permanent redirect [301], it should use a temporary redirect [302]).

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Guest Geoff

It's quite funny that we have both a wiki page and a multi-moderation option telling users to do that, and they still don't listen.

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It's quite funny that we have both a wiki page and a multi-moderation option telling users to do that, and they still don't listen.


Geoff, I'm very new to HelioHost and am exploring the free hosting for a paid hosting option. I'm not quite sure what the multi-moderation is, but I did check the wiki and the only thing I saw in the wiki were the in-page meta tags, which would have no affect in this case. Perhaps there was something else there, but I was further puzzled by the fact that it was a Chrome-only issue, and didn't affect FF or IE (even though I tried to go to the site in all browsers while it was still in queue).

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