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I've looked this up on the wiki, but when i try to add a domain (t02.heliohost.org) and press Add Domain from my cPanel, i get the error "Error from park wrapper: Sorry, subdomains of the hostname cannot be parked."


so what's up? do i have to buy a proper domain to park it or is this just some sort of error?


the wiki made it seem like i could, so is the wiki wrong?

What is a Parked Domain?

A parked domain is a domain which is the same as another domain. An example of a parked domain is that 'mysite.heliohost.org' is the SAME as 'otherdomain.heliohost.org'. Parked Domains allow you to complete the task quickly and efficiently - there is even the option of redirecting a domain to another website.


How can I create a Parked Domain?

After logging into your personal cPanel, click on the 'Parked Domains' button and enter the domain you wish to park into the text box provided, and submit the form. After that, navigate to your domain registrar's website and configure your domain with the following nameservers: ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org The parked domain you have just setup will be automatically be configured to reflect your public_html directory. If you want it to reflect a different directory then you will need to configure an Addon Domain. You can also configure the domain to be redirected to another URL, just click on the 'Manage Redirection' button and enter the URL you wish to redirect.

Guest Geoff
the wiki made it seem like i could, so is the wiki wrong?


Yes, we are human, we all make mistakes. I'll fix it.


Yes, you can have two domain names for single webpage using Parked Domain.


From wiki:http://wiki.helionet.org/w/Parked,_Addon_and_Sub_Domains

What is a Parked Domain?

It is like a pet name of a person. You can call that person with his real name(Main domain) or with Pet name(Parked Domain). Both name points to single person. Likewise , You can use two or more Domain names for your webpage.


Eg: www.MainDomain.com and www.ParkedDomain.com will point to same Webpage. if we enter www.MainDomain.com or www.ParkedDomain.com in addressbar, it will load the same content.


Parked Domains allow you to complete the task quickly and efficiently - there is even the option of redirecting a domain to another website.


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