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[SOLVED] Cpanel "Unable to Connect"


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I was just wondering if I was the only one having troubles connecting to cPanel. It goes straight to an "Unable to Connect" page on Firefox when I try either laevatienn.co.cc/cpanel or the heliohost.org login form. The little bubble at the bottom of forums that gives a CL58 address for cPanel also goes to a 404 page. My website is up so I don't think it is a straight up server problem but I have tried everything I can think of to do on my end like clearing cache, trying a different computer, different browser etc.


It has been like this for 8 hours-ish. Any help would be appreciated :D.

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This might be because you are behind a firewall that is blocking Port 2082.


Are you under the cover of a firewall which blocks Port 2082? No problem - simply access through the standard port: Port 80. To do this, simply navigate to http://cpanel.yourdomain.com/ replacing yourdomain.com with your domain name. After providing a correct username and password, you should be able to access cPanel. However, DO NOT use this method if you are not using a firewall, as this method may not record your login attempts and you will suspended for inactivity (if you do not login through port 2082 for 30 days). So only use Port 80 when you need to.


So, basically, try logging in via: cpanel.laevatienn.co.cc

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