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[SOLVED] Digest Authentication in PHP / mod_auth_digest


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Hi all


I am new to heliohost and wanted to implement Digest HTTP Authentication in a PHP script, but it appears that the mod_auth_digest Apache Module is not installed.

Is this really the case? Is it possible to get it enabled?

(I am on Johnny)


Many thanks and regards,


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Guest Geoff

We could install that module for you, but:


However, it has not been extensively tested and is therefore marked experimental.


Can you find a more stable alternative or not?

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Thanks for tha quick response and for the offer.


I was indeed unaware that this module is experimental. Anyway, as I implement the authentication myself anyway, and would have needed the module just so that php fills some variable correctly, i found a workaround.


In case anybody needs it:

For beeing able to implement HTTP Digest Authentication in PHP you can use the Rewrite-Engine to assign the HTTP-Auth-String to an enviroment-variable as follows:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]


Thanks again geoff and regards,


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