Hello, I have doubts about this host. I am developing a Java soap service, can I ?: Execute the mysql connector driver on your host to connect to the DB? Run tomcat ?, which max version?, Java max version? Do I have to use EJB or just uploading the project on your host will it work? Do I need permits with the EJB? The idea is to do it without the EJB (because sometimes when deploying the project many errors arise) You could tell me what I could do or what I have to do when I have a Java SOAP JAX-WS. For the DB issue, can I use ODBC, JDBC, OLE DB or other drivers in Java? That they fulfill these steps: 1 - How to upload a SOAP on your host? 2 - Once uploaded how to check that everything is correct 3 - Run the server 4 - Test the project through the URL. Regards