I have been used Tommy server a year and use postgreSQL database under PHP web. Recently i changed my domain from .tk to .red and I'm experiencing problems with functions pgsql in PHP. The principal: After closing a pgsql connection with: pg_close($dbconn); the php die and stops all with this instruction even if the connection with db is successfull. Before change my domain, this issue did not appear. an example: https://www.laparcela.red/control/test.php After "Conectado con éxito" there are a echo "Hola mundo" and not appears. This also happens if the connection is not correct.
$dbconn = pg_connect("host=localhost .. etc)
or die("No se pudo conectar");
echo "Conectado con éxito";
echo '<p>Hola Mundo</p>';
or die not works.