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  1. Hi on the 12th of Nov around 17:00 GMT i had a mysql database mishap whilst installing an addon in my xenforo forum. The Database is unretrievable in its current state from my perspective. Lucky enough i made a mysql DB backup at 8:41 and a full site backup in the morning around 9:50. when trying to reimport the tables of the backup into a new DB, i noticed to my horror that it was a partial download, only 774kb compressed.. So i compared a previous backup i made from the 7th of nov and the size was staggeringly different, uncompressed it was 33.7mb on the 7th of nov and the backup i made on the 12th in the morning was 9mb, the 12/11/12 8:41 GMT backup is what i need to retrieve. I must point out that i renamed the DB i want to retrieve from krivers_prserver to krivers_prserver_old, created a new krivers_prserver and tried to reimport the tables from a previous DB i made on the 7th of nov. I believe this partial download was through some error of my browser, and i didnt notice until it was too late. What im hoping for is if one of the heliohost techs can somehow retrieve the backup of that mysql DB i made on the 12th nov @ 8:41 GMT? or perhaps a day earlier. Like ive previously stated a backup made later that evening around 17:00 will be of no use as that is around the time when the db error occurred. My Account name is: krivers the DB name at the time was called : krivers_prserver now renamed to krivers_prserver_old dont know if that bares any relevance any help is much appreciated Rivers __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EDIT so i seems to me that something went wrong with the backup on the server somehow, because both the partial mysql db download and the fullsite backup download both have the DB's missing or corrupted. As you can see below the backup selected is only 778KB in size made on the 12.11.12 and the previous one made on the 7.11.12 is at 4mb Here you can even see the size difference between the full site backup, between the 11.12.2012 and the 11.6.2012 (mind the american dates and the timezone differences.) this size difference is due to the fact that all my personal DB's are missing from the full backup some how... the most recent fullsite backup ont he right is missing all its mysql db'ss Seriously, what gives.... can a tech retrieve the backup made ont he 12.11.12 with the databases intact?
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