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  1. The name of the host is: http://www.exposinghun.heliohost.org/ Thanks for the help!
  2. Hello, We were targeted by a phishing attack today which pointed us to the following site, can you please remove it? Thanks!! http://www.webmaill.heliohost.org/uleth.ca/Sign%20In%20to%20University%20of%20Lethbridge.htm
  3. Hello, I'm from Groupon Brazil (http://www.groupon.com.br ) and we identified a phishing site that is a clone of Groupon Brazil. This site (http://grouponcomprascoletivas.heliohost.org/pro/ ) is hosted by you. When the customer click on "Comprar" they ask customer credit card information. You can compare our site (http://www.groupon.com.br) with this one. Please, remove this website ASAP. Thanks, Vanderson C. Santos
  4. Dear Online Abuse Team, Please investigate and suspend the following fraudulent domain: isccecc.org/ URL: http://isccecc.org/ This domain is hosted on your nameservers. PLEASE BEWARE THIS DOMAIN MIGHT CONTAIN A TROJAN. Summary: This site is being used to conduct 419 Internet Advanced Fee Fraud by impersonating the non-existent "3rd International Scientific Conference on Clean Energy and Climate Change" in London, UK. Under this common 419 Fraud ruse (commonly targeting victims from developing countries), fake non-profit organizations offer round trip air transportation to email recipients to attend non-existent international conferences. Email recipients are then asked pay hotel registration fees in advance by money order or bank wire transfer. After fees are paid, the promised round trip airline tickets are never provided. Descriptions of this scam can be found here: http://www.scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=19126 and http://www.uia.be/fraud_monitor Reasons why isccecc.org/ is fraudulent: 1. The fake conference's fake sponsor - Working Group on Climate Change - is not listed as an authorized Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in the United Kingdom: http://www.charitycommission.gov.uk/index.aspx even though the fake site ( http://isccecc.org/aboutus.htm ) claims to have been founded in 1999. This is evidence of fraud. 2. The fake Working Group on Climate Change offers "free" airline tickets: " " here: http://isccecc.org/invitation.htm Registration is free of charge for delegates from developing countries. Also free flight ticket, travel insurance, visa fees and per diem to be provided for all paper presenters and participating delegates. 3. Its contact web page ( http://isccecc.org/contactus.htm ) lists the following telephone numbers: +44 702 406 8488 and +44 702 402 0466 as main contact telephone numbers. These telephone numbers resolve to be a personal (non-business) telephone numbers ( http://www.numberingplans.com/?page=analysis&sub=phonenr ). A legitimate Non-Governmental Organization sponsoring an international conference would not use personal telephone numbers as main contact telephone numbers. This is an indication of fraud. 4. The fake Working Group on Climate Change claims to have been established in 1999 (http://isccecc.0rg/contactus.htm ), however its one year domain registration was very recent (02 January 2012). This is indicative of fraud. 5. The fake Working Group on Climate Change ( http://isccecc.org/venue.htm ) claims that its international conference will be held at the (non-existent) Queens London Hotel, 124 Kentish Town Road, London, NW1 9QB. The United Kingdom's Companies House registry of business has no listing of any "Queens London Hotel": http://www.companieshouse.gov.uk/toolsToHelp/WCInfo.shtml . This is evidence of fraud. 6. The fake website claiming to be the (non-existent) Queens London Hotel at 124 Kentish Town Road, London, NW1 9QB is located here: http://queenslondonhotel.com/index.html This domain is listed in the Artists Against 419's database of fraudulent websites: http://db.aa419.org/fakebanksview.php?key=64681 and has been reported for abuse. 7. The fake Working Group on Climate Change website is listed in the Artists Against 419's database of fraudulent websites: http://db.aa419.org/fakebanksview.php?key=64932 If you require additional information or assistance to investigate and shut down this website, please contact me. Thank you. Sincerely, Murray
  5. Please investigate and suspend the following fraudulent domain: queenslondonhotel.com URL: http://queenslondonhotel.com/index.html This domain is hosted on your servers. Summary: This site is being used to conduct 419 Internet Advanced Fee Fraud by impersonating a non-existent hotel. Under this common 419 Fraud ruse (commonly targeting victims from developing countries), fake non-profit organizations offer round trip air transportation to email recipients to attend non-existent international conferences. Email recipients are then asked pay hotel registration fees in advance by money order or bank wire transfer. After fees are paid, the promised round trip airline tickets are never provided. A description of this scam can be found here: http://www.scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=18787 Reasons why queenslondonhotel.com is fraudulent: 1. The fake Queens London Hotel is not listed in the United Kingdom's Companies House registry of authorized businesses (http://wck2.companieshouse.gov.uk/adeece23d9538e876368822cba8b5aaf/wcframe?name=accessCompanyInfo). This is evidence of fraud. 2. The fake Queens London Hotel web pages have illegally copied symbols, logos, format, and web page format and content of the legitimate Washington Mayfair Hotel (real site here: http://www.washington-mayfair.co.uk/) - http://www.copyscape.com/view.php?o=76202&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.washington-mayfair.co.uk%2F&t=1325140420&s=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.queenslondonhotel.com&w=145&i=1&r=10 3. The fraudulent domain's contact web page ( http://queenslondonhotel.com/index.html ) lists the following as its address: 124 Kentish Town Road, London, NW1 9QB United Kingdom. The Abbey Tavern and not the Queens London Hotel is located at this address: http://www.londonnet.co.uk/clubs/venues/theabbeytavern.html This is evidence of fraud. 4. The fraudulent domain's contact web page ( http://queenslondonhotel.com/contact_us.html ) lists the following telephone numbers: +44(0)702 401 9540 and +44(0)702 405 1744 as a main contact telephone numbers. This telephone numbers resolve to be personal (non-business) telephone number ( http://www.numberingplans.com/?page=analysis&sub=phonenr ). A legitimate hotel hosting an international conference would not use personal telephone numbers as main contact telephone numbers. This is an indication of fraud. 5. The fake Queens London Hotel website has a one year domain registration was very recent (05 December 2011). An established hotel in London would likely be more than four days old. This is an indication of fraud. 6. This website is listed in the Artists Against 419's database of fraudulent websites: http://db.aa419.org/fakebanksview.php?key=64681 If you need additional information to suspend this fraudulent domain, please contact me. Thank you. Murray
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