Hello, I am a complete newby... and trying importing ***.sql into the database (phpMyAdmin) After selecting “go” i receive the below error: Error SQL query: CREATETABLE`gcm_messages` ( `id` int( 11)NOTNULLAUTO_INCREMENT , `gcm_regid` text NOTNULL , `message` text NOTNULL , `data` int( 11)NOTNULL DEFAULT'0', `created_at` timestamp NOTNULLDEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP , PRIMARYKEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=77 DEFAULT CHARSET= latin1; MySQL said: #1005 - Can't create table '***_***db.gcm_messages' (errno: -1) (Details...) I did the same on my local PC and worked without any error. Can someone point me to the right direction? Thanks a lot!