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Posts posted by matti76

  1. Thanks. I've done all the above steps, and can now import the converted MyISAM dvb.I'll create a new user once I get this working, as you advise.

    I now get a slightly different message: unable to select database: Access denied for user 'matti76'@'localhost' to database 'databasename'

    The databasename in question is the old database that I deleted in my original efforts to solve this. I can't create a new one with the same name, as CPanel tells me it already exists.

    When I create a database with a new name, however, and then import the tables into it from the old db, the message (as above) suggests it's still looking for the old (deleted) database. I have changed the php code to the new database name. All other usernames and passwords are now matched up with cpanel.

  2. Thanks for the quick response.


    I've changed my CPanel password which has allowed me to recreate the matti76 user this time, so that is a step forward. Unfortunately I still see the same message: Access denied for user 'matti76'@'localhost' (using password: YES)


    I also deleted the database and have tried to reimport it, but get the following message in phpmyadmin: #1874 - InnoDB is in read only mode.


    Thanks again for the help, really appreciated.

  3. Hello,


    I'm returning to my website after a break from it for a few months. I get the following message on the home page:


    Access denied for user 'matti76'@'localhost' (using password: YES)


    I've tried to delete the user and create it again, create a new one, tried to change privileges, etc.


    Some other info if it helps:


    - When I try to delete the database and/or user, and recreate them under the same names, CPanel tells me they already exist even though I have deleted them?


    - on the USER_PRIVILEGES table, the user matti76 has NO under IS_GRANTABLE.


    Sorry if this is something simple that I'm missing - I'm just learning. Any help is much appreciated. I have tried for hours to resolve this, but I'm going round in circles.



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