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Boon Pek

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  1. i'll try that later. thanks.
  2. Hey, I got my site running, and now when I want to install Joomla! via the Fantastico Panel I always get the error: I think that this means that the Server's PHP is limited to only 128Mb of RAM? If not, can you advise me on ways in which I can install Joomla! without it taking up my monthly Bandwidth? Thanks.
  3. Hey byron, Thanks for your suggestion, it worked! Thank you again.
  4. Hey, Yes, I red remember my password. If you don't mind, can you please check to see if my account is actually set up in the server? I have a strong feeling that an error has occured with my account as I have tried setting it up twice. I tried everything in lowercase with capslock turned off, and used the password that was included in my E-mail. Thanks Hey, Yes, I red remember my password. If you don't mind, can you please check to see if my account is actually set up in the server? I have a strong feeling that an error has occured with my account as I have tried setting it up twice. I tried everything in lowercase with capslock turned off, and used the password that was included in my E-mail. Thanks
  5. I tried that too. It just comes up with a box which asks me to put my Username and Password in, and when I do, the box just re-appears again. Thanks for your help.
  6. Hey, I just set up my website for a school project last night (GMT+8) and it has already been about 24 hours since I set it up. My website is www.jis-yellow.co.cc, it says that I can access my Control Panel but I can't. I recieved 2 error e-mails which says: As soon as I got that mail, I signed up again using the same information. A short while later, I got another error message, this time saying: Should I sign up again, or do I leave this and wait? Also, I can't seem to log in to the Control Panel by going to www.jis-yellow.co.cc/cpanel. Thanks.
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