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Everything posted by chirag

  1. Okay thank you very much
  2. ok so tomorrow my domain is maindirectories.co.cc right? and can my files and database will deleted or it will remains please tell be about this. Thanks
  3. ok hi there the 24 hours are completed now can you please change by domain to maindirectories.co.cc
  4. ok i have delete it from my cpanel. now what i have to do?
  5. so if i have to change this. means if i want to delete my main domain i.e modichirag.co.cc and make default this domains maindirectories.co.cc. Than what i have to do .
  6. okay now its working thanks But i have the same FTP with both the domains i have. The file which i upload in modichirag.co.cc it also seems in maindirectories.co.cc SO can you help me how to change the ftp for domains. My two domains are 1) maindirectories.co.cc 2) modichirag.co.cc
  7. Hi there, I have added new domain in my account. I have also add it in park domain. But when i open the domain it shows an error of "403 Forbidden". can you please help me. my username is chiragg and new domain in maindirectories.co.cc Thanks
  8. I have added it there but the site is not opening. How much time it will take to open?
  9. Hi there, i have register to heliohost with domain name modichirag.co.cc but i like this hosting service and also want to add another domain name to this plan. The new domain name is maindirectories.co.cc. So can it is possible to add this domain in my same account. Thanks chirag
  10. ok but can you tell me how much time i has to wait
  11. HI i have created new account on heliohost but I cant open the cpanel of my account. I have read about this and i also delete the cookies and cache of the browser and refresh the page but still not open the account. I have create before 72 hours.So can you please help on this. My user name is chiragg and domain name is modichirag.co.cc Thanks chirag
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