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Everything posted by virtav

  1. please unblock
  2. Thank you for your help. Link worked. Surprised this happened as I login frequently. When the account was on Stevie I was emailed a reminder if I had not logged in within the prescribed time. No "reminder" received from Tommy. Also - login just said - LOGIN INVALID - leaving me clueless as to the reason as the username and password were correct. Would be helpful to say ACCOUNT DORMANT, click on link to renew. Best regards
  3. Hi Cannot login to Tommy using correct info. acc=virtav1 help appreciated Thanks
  4. Briefly - as I don't want the forum to go off topic for those needing STEVIE to TOMMY transfer I now know bringmelight.com is hosted on helionet and the username to access his domain is gatgetcc...I "just" need to crack his password. 10StopTours.com is hosted on helionet and the username to access his domain is ablaty...I "just" need to crack his password. With zero effort on my part this HAS removed TWO layers of security 1) I now know a valid username on helionet - that I should not know about (without intentionally hacking) 2) I now know that "username" is perfectly valid for that "domain" on helionet (without intentionally hacking) We can talk about this all night - I have worked in mainframe IT security for banks for 30 years - I have my opinion - you have yours. Less PUBLIC information is better (in my personal and professional opinion). By all means feel free to continue broadcasting your data wherever you like - I'll stick to my methodology & refrain. Yes you can glean bits of information from WHOIS lookups etc because ICANN want to allow REGISTRARS to charge you to conceal your info.Another discussion. Best regards to all & here's hoping all your recoveries onto the new server go well. May the new server live a long and happy life!
  5. Back online (on TOMMY) A BIG thank you to Krydos and team
  6. Thank you...but no invite received. I have checked sp@m folders too. nothing. As mentioned, if you are using the email address on your current records, it is probably one that is stored on Stevie...and strangely enough those are all dead due to the disk crash your side so I am not getting any email from my domain on your system. (that has been a case for over a month) When you offered tar backups of data recovered on Stevie, you asked us to login with an email address originally used to open our helio account. I did that and got my data. THAT address is still working and is NOT on Stevie. If you can see that address on my account (starts virtav), please send the invite link to that email address Otherwise can you private message me so I can supply a full current email address for you to send the link/invite too ? I don't wish to publish an email address on a public forum due to sp@m concerns Already you are asking all of us to publish our logon names and domains on a public forum so we can get tech support - that's really not good for any of us from a security point of view This is all personal data that needs to remain confidential between you and the user, no-one else. Thanks for your help
  7. Have you received a Tommy invite? Hi Byron. No invite received. Possibly due to my account on Stevie having an email address based on Stevie which is now inop. My paypal tansaction was Transaction ID: 5YT506897B433974B and domain musto.net Many thanks for the help - have been without critical email on that server now since it went down
  8. Due to Stevie crash, please would you move account virtav to Tommy. If possible I want to re-use all the details I had on Stevie - I have a tar backup from your link of Stevie data. Many thanks PS. Donation made
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