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About flradio

  • Birthday 02/16/1997

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    IT, radio, music.

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  1. Hey! At first - Happy New Year! I already told my problem on Discord, but I'll repeat here for record: I got message about migration to Plesk, I did migration task request. Now comes problem - I don't remember my old password on that account. So here comes the q - can you reset the password for my Plesk account? (username is in title, server - Tommy) [yes, I know it's confusing that forum has one username, but Plesk account has different one]
  2. flradio

    Tommy Downtime

    As we know, hope dies the last. Good luck, mates! We're holding pulse on you, guys!
  3. I found myself what's the problem. I just forgot to login in cPanel during 30 day interval from last login.
  4. Hey! It's seems that my account is suspended. What's the reason why it's suspended? If it's due some point of rules, than can I ask to copy of all my website data (databases and page content) and send PM with this content? Username: plugis4 Server: Tommy Domain: freeliveradio.tk
  5. Databases there were recoverable should be included in your backup. If the dump is included in your backup, but empty or extremely small, the data is probably stored using InnoDB, which is not recoverable. It's not the latest dump version, so there aren't all data. By the way, all DB's is stored using MYISAM.
  6. Can you get latest MySQL db dump, please? Domain: freeliveradio.tk Username: flradio P.S. Good luck to get as much as possible from Stevie.
  7. True, of course, logging, sometimes, makes the biggest performance problems, and not always you (or someone from tech staff) can track all things which happens on Stevie (with 11,000+ users).
  8. Crashed, again. Can you view log files to see which DB makes MySQL to crash?
  9. Hi. MySQL on Stevie is down again. What's the reason of MySQL crashes? And can someone fix it ASAP?
  10. True. I'm waiting for fixing results..
  11. Nice, MySQL is back. Thanks.
  12. Hi. Account on Stevie: flradio (freeliveradio.tk) As I can see, MySQL server on Stevie is down. For what reason MySQL server crashes? Can someone fix it ASAP, please?
  13. Hi! I have a problem: MySQL server is down on Stevie. Account on Stevie: flradio (freeliveradio.tk) All site's data is based on MySQL requests. Could someone fix it ASAP?
  14. I have the same problem. Account on Stevie: flradio (freeliveradio.tk) Can someone fix it ASAP?
  15. Hi. I can't work with my website (account on Stevie, domain: freeliveradio.tk). All site's content (mostly) works on database requests. Later I saw in cPanel, MySQL server is down on Stevie. Can you re-enable MySQL server?
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