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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thank You, it's solved now
  2. Hello there, I have a heliohost account "trickplu" and i am currently using it for running a wordpress site. From last 1 - 2 weeks, the sizes of files may have increased which caused files to reached their 500 MB limit. size is continuously increasing. I want to know if there is any way to find out which new files are eating up my space because i am unable find them manually. Account Username : trickplu Website : www.trickplus.com
  3. Thank you. I logged in and changed the password you created but again i am getting same login error "the login is invalid". Please help.
  4. Hello there, I own a heliohost account with username : trickplu I would like to request you to please reset my account password as i am unable to login to cpanel even after 2-3 times of resetting the password. Thankyou in advance. username : trickplu email : trickplusindia@gmail.com website : www.trickplus.com
  5. <p class="desc member_title">Thank You both. You really helped me a lot.<br /> Thanks "Rank X Member", Your solution worked.</p> <p class="desc member_title">just needed to recreate database user.</p> <p class="desc member_title">Thanks Again</p>
  6. No it's not. I tried opening it from different browsers, different devices and also from different internet connections. Its still showing Error establishing a database connection. Please check my website and browse to different pages. It's continuously showing this error from last 2-3 days. Please help
  7. Hello there, It's been 2-3 days when i am unable to access my website. There is an error from HelioHost end which results in unavailability of website. I request you to please check the issue. Thank You Website : www.trickplus.com HelioHost Username : Trickplu Attached error image.
  8. Hello there, I have a heliohost account username "trickplu". While trying to login, i am facing error "the login is invalid". On resetting the password 2-3 times, i am still unable to login. Even new generated password is shown incorrect or the login is invalid. Please reset my account password. Thank You. Heliohost account : trickplu Registered Email : trickplusindia@gmail.com
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